Question by DeeGirl: Difference between a film director and a film producer?
What’s the difference? And who owns the rights of the movie/tvshow? Like who is the overall “owner”? Who gets most of the money at the end? And which are the most important in the making of a movie?
One more thing…. who decides who acts in the movie?
Best answer:
Answer by Mike C
Okay, the main difference between the director and the producer of a film is that the director (obviously) “directs” the crew/cast/etc. on set. However, the producer is the person who hires/fires the crew (including the director). The producer (and his/her/their) company is the one funding the production. This is why you may see Steven Spielberg’s name in a lot of movies that he’s not directing (in fact, if you look him up on, you’ll see he’s produced WAY more movies than he’s directed).
Usually, the movie/tvshow is owned by a company (Paramount, Universal, or some other name) not a specific producer/director. And the question of who gets the most money usually comes down to the contracts that get signed, so it may vary. A lot of times, with big name directors, they will produce the films as well (like M. Night Shyamalon).
Both the producer and director are equally important for a film. Without a director there would be no art, no creativity behind the movie. However, with no producer, there would be no one AND no money to make that art/creativity come to life.
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