simplify things just remember this, 4K has four times the number of pixels as 2K for the same aspect ratio. 2K has 13% more pixels than HD for same ratio. In all other areas, such as bit depth and color format, 4K, 2K, and HD RGB are identical.
4K, 2K and HD sizes compared
So how many K’s are enough?
What do all these numbers mean to a filmmaker? Four times as many pixels means potentially four times as much detail in the image, however four times as much data to store and navigate through the DI process will be required. All that extra data will add extra time and extra cost to the project.
In theory a 4K scan is capable of capturing all the resolution available in a 35mm negative. In actual practice this can vary anywhere from 2 to 6K, depending on film stock, processing, and other factors. By scanning in 4K you can be