impact on the perceived sharpness of the image than the scan. Processing and lighting can also effect how sharp the scene appears. To the viewer a shot with lower resolution but higher contrast may appear sharper. A high resolution scan of a soft image will still be soft.
Currently the audience will not see the full 4K resolution of your images. By the time a film has gone through the processes of high volume release printing, there is less than 2K worth of resolution left on the print. Digital Cinema’s are only 2K or less. (Someday there will be 4K Digital Cinemas, but in today’s world 2K is the norm.) Home video and broadcast masters are all HD. 2K more closely matches the resolution of your final delivery, whether it is a film print, a digital cinema projector, or HDTV master. If you will not need to zoom any of your shots, and the sizing is handled carefully from