HD’s vertical resolution of 1080. The biggest advantage to HD is the ability to record to real-time tape formats. This can lead to significant cost savings. However most HD tape formats involve considerable compression, which can seriously degrade the image. To be considered comparable to 2K, HD must be RGB, and recorded uncompressed to disk. (HDCAM-SR is a close alternative with its very low compression and RGB capability.)
Viewfinder markings compared to a full frame Super 35mm film scan
Mixing the Ks
A popular option in Digital Intermediates is to mix the Ks. The film can be scanned in 4K to capture all the available resolution. 2K files are then made from the 4K originals and are used in the work flow of the DI process. Many of the cost savings of 2K are preserved, as are the 4K files should any zooming or other manipulations