Question by kasashimk: Digital vs film filmmaking?
For the industry professionals, what is the difference you see between recording on digital versus film filmmaking? Why haven’t cameras like RED been adopted more widely and why do many productions choose to record on film? Digital filmmaking is cheaper, has comparable quality and unlike film, you can re-watch the footage you just shot rather than having to wait for dailies to be developed and sent back. Thoughts?
Best answer:
Answer by holodecker
Actually digital filmmaking is taking hold, but the resistance was partly due to the color response of video vs. film, as well as a general reluctance to change. Oddly, the goal has been to replicate the “conventions” of filmmaking, For instance, 24 frames per second does not necessarily produce the best looking image, but it does produce what we have come to expect in a cinematic experience. So first, digital technology had to completely and thoroughly replicate the “film look” and then afterwards it can go beyond. Now as producers find it more cost effective, and film makers like James Cameron find it creatively freeing, the pace of the change to digital will speed up.
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