Question by Emily K: do i have a good resume?
do i have a good resume? also it the format right? do u have any advice for the format of it?
this is it:
Emily Kramer
my address goes here
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 56.5 “,Weight: 70 lbs.
D.O.B.: 10/28/1996
(Can Play 8- 12 years old)
Phone: (my phone #s go here)
Email:(my email goes here)
Other: Braces
Gilmore Girls, Warner Bros., February 15, 2005: Guest at Tea Party
The Wiz, Golden P.A.C./Madrid Theater, June 2008; Addaperle, Good Witch of the North
Annie, Golden P.A.C./Madrid Theater, January 2008; Lily St. Regis
Guys And Dolls, Golden P.A.C./ Madrid Theater, August 2007; Big Jule
Good News, Golden P.A.C./Madrid Theater, April 2007; Sylvester
Music Man, Golden P.A.C./Madrid Theater, January 2007; Zaneeta Shinn
Fiddler on the Roof , Golden P.A.C./Madrid Theater, August 2006: Chaim a Villager
42d Street, Golden P.A.C./Madrid Theater, June 2006; Girl, Girl’s Voice, Thug #2, and solo
Anything Goes, Golden P.A.C./Madrid Theater, January 2006; Matty a Texan
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Golden P.A.C./Madrid Theater, August 2005; Adoring Fan
Chaparral Elementary Variety Show: 2001-2007
CVS Pharmacies In House Industrial
Weist Barron-Hill, On-Camera Class for Youth
Frances Welter, Commercials
Jody Jaress, Auditioning, Commercials, and Cold Reading
Kidz on Camera, Commercials
Kidz on Camera, Film Acting
Apple, iMovie class
Skills and Interests
Acting, filmmaking, musical theater, dance, fashion, yoga, reading, and computers
also, will u give an example of special skills but with my special skills that i listed
also, it doesnt show up on here but the titles like like theater television etc is all bolded and underlined
Best answer:
Answer by *Morg*
wow, yes!
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