Question by DJ Durrty Unk: Do I really need to go to film school? +Whats the best film school in sydney?
I live in Sydney and I want to get into making my own films like, Music videos, adult films, documentaries maybe even Hollywood stuff way down the track and I wanna know if its a necessity if i’ve already written some scripts and have a fair knowledge of what I want and how I want things to go etc. Is film school really worth the thousands of dollars?
Secondly whats the best best film school in Sydney? I know most places
Metro Screen
Sydney Film school (I think thats the name)
TAFE etc.
Which is best if I did end up going?
Best answer:
Answer by T-Russ
Depends on your finances. If you take out loans then it isn’t worth it, but if you can pay for it upfront then it might be interesting. However, you will learn a lot by buying equiptment then using it to see what works thru trial and error. You should seek out people whose work you like and do whatever work they will let you so as to soak up knowledge from people that make moves. Check out iTunes U for free lectures on film/video. Good luck
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