Question by JP: Do you know of any reputable Film Production companies that offer full time, unpaid internships around LA?
I need to complete an internship as part of my graduation requirement. I am double-majored in film production and photography and i am looking for a good company to intern at. I am most interested in being on set as well as pre-production. If you know of anywhere that hires interns full time for only school credit (no pay) please let me know. Any websites would also be helpful. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by binba
Get staff and faculty at your school (who know what they’re doing) to get you the UTA job list. It’s perhaps the most famous one, published weekly, and includes hordes of internships (don’t worry, there are also hordes of applicants for each 😉
It’s not published publicly, only circulated in emails. You can see an example here:
I also found a great overview of it on Variety:
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