Question by Trevor N: Documentary film budget question?
I am preparing a budget for a documentary program. I am expecting a specific amount of money to be invested, and am creating the budget accordingly. However, what happens if I spend less than the budget on the program? In other words; say I budget $ 125,000, and (miraculously) come in $ 10,000 under. What becomes of the money? I have heard that some producers will “pad” a budget in case of shortfalls etc. But what does one do in the case of underspending? Is it accepted practice that the money is just re-absorbed into production? And if so, how?
Best answer:
Answer by Couch spud
There are always cost overruns. I’d worry more about how you’re going to raise $ 125,000 first. What to do with any left over will be the least of your troubles!
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