Question by sobusy: Does an umbrella (satellite ) school makes homeschooling easier ?
I am still undecided if I should use Christian Liberty Academy . They keep records, transcripts , diploma, counseling in curriculum , diploma and you don’t have to submit to your school district (from what I heard ) .
Do you use an umbrella school or you prefer to be independent?
Best answer:
Answer by ASD & DYS Mum
I’ve lived in two states with no reporting or regulations for HS’ing. When we move again, we’ll find an easy state to HS also.
I would *never* go through an umbrella school unless I was forced to to legally HS in the state. *Especially* if it was for grades Kdg-8th. There is just *no need* for outside record keeping, transcripts, etc. PLUS, umbrella schools either make you use *their* curriculum (CLA most likely “counsels” you for the CL curriculum), or have a very small list of what you can choose from. I like my total freedom too much – it’s the #2 reason we HS (first being moving through curriculum at varying speeds and with a variety of grade levels).
Even for high school an umbrella organization is *not* important (barring state laws that require it). My son has two high school, and one online college course right now, and I still don’t answer to anyone. For the past 5.5 yrs, I’ve kept my own records/transcripts/portfolios, etc. and it’s no big deal. No one has made me do it, I just do b/c I’m a datahead and I wanted records. For the high school classes, I did want a bit more “formal” records, so I’m using Homeschool Tracker Plus to keep them now.
I will never use a virtual school for full time status, either. I may for a class here or there, but it will always be a *private*, not *public* school.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!