can disable the ads that run before your video starts. Some Revver clips play on Verizon Wireless VCast phones, which extends your opportunity for cash and exposure.
CrackleIf you’re waiting for Hollywood to discover you, Crackle can be your online casting agent. This Sony-owned site limits file uploads to 100MB, so don’t post your feature film here. Crackle’s contests offer prizes such as pitch meetings with studio execs.
VeohSeveral innovative features distinguish Veoh, a hidden gem whose video-playback quality is a notch above that of most sites. If you have an account on Google Video, MySpace, or YouTube, Veoh automatically posts your clip to those sites too (you must activate this feature first). And it imposes no size limit on video uploads–a rarity.
YouTubeIt’s no secret that YouTube has the biggest audience of video viewers, so naturally