Question by Eathernet: Does anyone know of a Dutch Filmmaker, someone who’s considerably established as a film director?
A friend of mine described this director to me, but couldn’t remember his name.
Description: Weird personality, kind of mad genius sort of guy. Distinct voice (strange sounding even).
My friend thinks he has done a film with a religious theme.
He’s shot a lot of vistas, wide landscape type stuff (don’t know if he meant “sweeping epics”). He says he thinks the guy is Dutch, definitely a thick European accent (maybe eastern European if not Dutch). He’s been in and out of work (taking breaks in between). I assume he’s worked on stuff for the U.S. market.
I hope someone can help to identify this director for me. Maybe even a film that you might think he’s done.
Best answer:
Answer by Film Jedi
Sounds just like Lars von Trier, director of “Breaking the Waves” and “Dogville.”
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