Question by Danny: Does anyone know this film?
I used to have the “On Digital” box back in the late 90s and remember watching an American film on Carlton Cinema about a teenage couple in school and she gets pregnant and has the baby.
He is doing really well in school but has to give up everything and they really struggle! Now I know this sounds like the storyline of “For Keeps” but this one is different. I can remember the ending as he is working in some kind of TGI Friday place behind the counter and his old school mate comes in all suited and booted and is a stock broker earning lots of money. The final scene is the 2 of them having a catch up and it ends with the young dad looking distraught over the counter in his uniform of how his life has turned out. I am sure in a previous scene he has got the kid sitting on the glass counter with him! Not a lot to go on I know but if anyone does know the title please advise! Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Zhou
I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Daddy with Dermot Mulroney and Patricia Arquette. Below is the IMDB link but the description on the website is sort of vague.
I tried to find a better description but couldn’t find one readily available. I did see it within the last two years though and I remember the scene your describing. So hopefully this is the right film.
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