Question by CreativeChick8: Editing Software for Macs?
Hey everyone! So when I got my computer, it came with ilife and with imovie. I loved it but by a sad turn of events, it accidentally got deleted. I’ve tried everything to get it back but even apple says the only way to get it back was to buy it again which, of course, costs A BUNCH of money. So anyways, I need to do a short film clip for my film class. I need a SIMPLE, FREE video editing program for macs. (I would prefer it not to be a demo) Know any! Please do tell!
Best answer:
Answer by mac_fixit
iMovie08 with iLife08- the best you can get. – $ 79 Christmas present.
get busy and start doing some jobs around the house – take out the trash, do the dishes, walk the dog, clean the car, do the washing and then offer to pay half.
Why? cause that all sounds like it sucks! – Well the best things in life ain’t always free and nothing is ever handed to us on a plate and right now your folks might be a bit strapped for cash.
Otherwise start looking on Google
How did it get deleted?
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