ICCD (Istituto Centrale per la Catalogazione e la Documentazione) and the RMSU have produced a short film on Euromed Heritage on behalf of the European Commission EuropeAid Cooperation Office. The film, in English, French and Italian, consists of a short introduction outlining the programme. Then follow 3 separate reports made by an independent film maker, on projects and their diverse activities in Algeria, Egypt and Malta. The activities reflect the development of a selection of projects and their achievements at different phases of the programme. Whilst the attempt was made to reflect the full diversity of the Euromed Heritage programme, it has not been possible to include images from all the projects available. ICCD and the RMSU have made all efforts to best reflect actors and projects and apologize for any inaccuracies and interpretation in the final text. The broadcasting of this film is free, however please inform the RMSU on where and when it will be transmitted. info@euromedheritage.net