Question by asher j: Even though I’m 16 years old, can I still work with a film producer to gain experience so I can become one?
There are so many careers like acting(which im considering), music, fashion, dance, visual art, professional sports and more that young people my age can start doing early. Is film producing one of them?
Best answer:
Answer by tjmuvimakr
Absolutely. There are a few ways that you can get involved. Volunteer to work for a production company (get better results with smaller company) or an independent producer that does documentaries or shorts. You can also take classes if any or offered in your area. Sometimes the local college or Chamber of Commerce will offer film production classes. They usually cost a little, but are pretty informative and you get to network with other film people. One of the things that you need to do is study the art of filmmaking. There is more to it than just whether you like the finished product or not. Watch shows like “On the Lot” on FOX or Reelz TV if you have it. Read up on the masters like Orson Wells, D. W. Griffith, Cecil B DeMille, Steven Speilberg and other director/producers that you like. The more you know about the art, the more you will learn on the set. Good luck to you.
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