Question by David S: Ever been a documentary where people raised away from civilization entered society?
I have always wanted to see something like this but can never find one.
Has there every been a documentary where scientists went to one of those places in africa or wherever, where people live in the jungle, or a stick village, or similar. People who have never seen or heard of electricity, plumbing, a telephone, a car, or anything else. And then brought them to the US or some other civilized place and introduced them to all those things for the first time, and see how they like it?
If so, what’s the name of the documentary.
Best answer:
Answer by spruded
Not recently. i think that would be really unethical. There were some cases early in anthropology where this one anthropologist took a person not native to US/Europe and but him/her on “display” at a zoo or something like that. Its older but thats one thing, check the link. There’s also feral children or “tarzan children” who have lived on there own without human contact or culture.
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