in the Wonderland film. It is also said that the famous Mad Hatter’s tea party become one of the scene that is filmed in Anthony House Let’s talk a bit about Anthony House.
Antony House was constructed between 1711 and 1721 for Sir William Carew. The estate has been owned to the Carew family since 15th century (over 600 years). The house is a home for marvelous created fine, stunning garden landscape, created by one of the great landscape Georgian garden designer, Humphrey Repton. The garden is so huge, Gardens stretching itself to the River Lynher. Cornwall Tourist board said that in Anthony house, one can explore the rainbows of the friendly garden with the children in tow, watching their glee as they are captivated by the cacophony of colours, the fairytale Japanese pond, the 10 metre Yew Cone and the fascinating modern sculptures which decorate the soft, green