Article by Seth Peters
A lot of people think that creating films is a hobby that is only meant for those who can afford. Of course, if what you are after is a high-budget movie just like what Hollywood can offer, then you surely need millions to realize it. But filmmaking is not exclusive to only the affluent film enthusiasts. It is the form of art that can be done with least expenses. As a matter of fact, when you have the right filmmaking guide, you can make one without spending anything. The significant thing is for you to learn the skills required for this enjoyable activity first.
As a newbie, you might think that to simply watch movies would give you the ideas of how to take shots.
There may be some accuracy in this but you should remember that you are simply trying to make your own home-made movie. Therefore, you might realize that there are shots that are just impossible to do because of the low cinematic technology you are using. Read a basic filmmaking guide and you will certainly find out that what really matters is expression. To create movies is an art which means that the end product is a representation of your ideas and emotions regardless of the technological level that you have.
Thus even if you only have a digital camera to use and a PC for you to edit and add special effects in your movie, you can still produce a great work of art. Just like any newbie though, you may not have the theoretical background or the practical experience at all to, at least, make a decent short film. If you are serious about this art and are planning to build a movie-making career, you may need to enroll yourself in a school for this particular art. But if you only want the basic skills, then to have a filmmaking guide should be more than enough.
You can easily download a filmmaking guide from certain websites on the craft. There are those that you can download free of charge but if you intend to have a more comprehensive kind, you can place an order for it online. However you should know that there are many great filmmakers that did not undergo formal training on filmmaking. They simply have the heart for the craft, the eyes, and the imagination necessary to come out with initial masterpieces. Therefore you may have all the theories in your head but if you don’t truly have the heart for the craft, then you’ll surely run short. A little theoretical background is valuable but the more you actually practice, the better a filmmaker you will become.
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Get the most updated filmmaking guide and other resources from Filmmaking Mastery Guide.
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Get the most updated filmmaking guide and other resources from Filmmaking Mastery Guide.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Question by : Im looking to buy a camera for filmmaking?
im looking at a canon xl2 right now but im not sure if its a too out of date camera.
i dont care if its used as long as its in good shape. any suggestions on a good camera. Minidv or hd? sony or canon?
im currently making short films but im tired of renting.
Thank you
Best answer:
Answer by nerfguy2222
I don’t know your price range but what I would suggest for a low budget is one of the Sony NEX camcorders because you get DSLR quality (HD) in a lower price.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Griffin reports on the Jameson First Shot screenwriting competition (and Russell’s upcoming Kevin Spacey interview), steadicam on the set of Hugo, Woodkid’s epic music video, a modification of his DIY video light, the Backer Capper, and takes you inside his video gear closet! VIDEO LINKS “The Ventriloquist” starring Kevin Spacey: Incredible steadicam shot from “Hugo”: Woodkid’s “Run Boy Run” music video: DIY video light (no complex wiring): The Backer Capper: OTHER LINKS Jameson First Shot screenwriting competition: Backer Capper on Kickstarter Griffin’s video gear list:
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