Question by vrdvrbtegsrg: Film Major with a pre-med/pharmacy track/major(?) ?
Is it possible for me to go about majoring in Film production (as an undergrad student) (andI have the utmost passion for filmmaking) with a pre-med/pharmacy track? I don’t know if I’m asking this question right but basically I want to major in film and do pre-med or pre-pharmacy course work in case a possible career in the film industry isn’t possible. So is it possible for me to major in film and go about working on a pre-med/pre-pharmacy track/major (is it even a major?) so i can go to pharmacy or med school to become a pharmacist or a doctor for job and financial security with a BS degree in film? thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by PollyLove
You will be blazing a new trail, but hey, thats what college is all about. Doing things that nobody thought could be done.
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