Adapting a book into a script requires a great deal of familiarity with the book’s plot, characters and general theme, and being able to translate that into a live-action film is a subtle art. Use strategic editing to adapt a book to the screen with helpful tips from an independent filmmaker in this free video on film. Expert: Nathan Boehme Contact: nathans-reel.com Bio: Nathan Boehme is a writer, director and editor who currently lives and works in Los Angeles, Calif. Filmmaker: Nathan Boehme
Building up an acting resume online is a process of creating short student films, posting examples of monologues, comedy and drama online, and sharing that resume with agents and casting directors. Start an online portfolio to get more acting experience with helpful tips from an independent filmmaker in this free video on film. Expert: Nathan Boehme Contact: nathans-reel.com Bio: Nathan Boehme is a writer, director and editor who currently lives and works in Los Angeles, Calif. Filmmaker: Nathan Boehme