The feature film “A Perfect Song” was written, produced, and directed by Billy Yeager for under 800.00 . Yeager also composed all the music performing every instrument. He also discovered his actors and trained them on camera. Billy scouted locations, designed and lighted the set and also gained 30 pounds and shaved his head for the lead role. Before he shaved his head he filmed himself as the lead charcters brother playing 3 parts in the film. Yeager found everyone for production from and finished his film in less than 2 months. He used only 14 DVD tapes filmed with a Cannon XL in the film mode. Yeager defies defenition as an artist. His maverick inovative style and ability has enabled him to do what most people only dream of, never letting the lack of money stifle his imagination.
This video shows what my entire project is about. Every video after this contains the RAW footage. CAMERA – Canon Mark IV 1920 x 1080p – 23.976fps
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