A structures settlement annuity is usually the result of litigation in which one party receives a court-ordered financial award. Learn about structured settlement annuities with information from aregistered financial consultant in this free financial planning video. Expert: Patrick Munro Contact: www.northstarnavigator.com Bio: Patrick Munro is a registered financial consultant (RFC) with outstanding sales volume of progressive financial products and solutions to the senior and boomer marketplace. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

Making phone calls go straight to voicemail can be done by having all your calls go to voicemail or rejecting a call. Find out how to make your calls go straight to voicemail with help from a cell phone customer service representative in this free video on cell phones. Expert: Jordan Carlman Bio: Jordan has over 5 year experience as a T-Mobile customer service representative. Filmmaker: Tyler Neisinger Series Description: Cell phones are always changing and improving in their technology. Discover how to get the most out of your cell phone with guidance from a cell phone customer service representative in this free video on cell phones.