Question by meksaonsnese: For anyone who has read “The awakening” by Kate Chopin!!!! PLEASEEE PLEASE PLEASEE HELPPP!! :(?
Can anyone tell me if this covers as a good description of the story? in the characters point of view… Pleaaaaaase review! thanks to all!!! 10 points – BA!!!
Good Morning, My name is Edna Pontellier and I’m here to present myself to you from a novel titled “The Awakening” written by Kate Chopin. I’m going to start with explaining some information about her, that may help you to better understand my story. On February 8th, 1850, In St. Louis Missouri, Catherine O’Flathery was born to a family of 5 children, although both of her sisters died in infancy, and her two brothers died in there twenties. Chopin was sent to attend a Catholic boarding school named The Sacred Heart Academy, when she was five years old. After a few months of attending the academy, her father died in a train accident, and she was sent home to live with her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, who were all widowed. Chopin never had the opportunity to have a father, or any other sort of male figure in her life, which left her surrounded by independent women, of not only her family but also the nuns at her school. This is why she writes mainly of the female freedom.
My story begins in the late 1800s in Grand Isle, which is a summer holiday resort. I was visiting and staying at the resort with my two sons, and husband Leonce at the cottages of Madame Lebrun. My husband is kind and I know he loves me, but he was very preoccupied with his work. He has to leave for business trips constantly, and I feel that leaves a empty spot. Although, I cannot say I’m completely lonely because I did spend a lot of time with my friend Mrs. Ratignolle. I learned a lot about expression from her, and I feel more aware of my feelings because of her presence. Another person I spent a great deal of time with was Robert Lebrun, who is the son of Madame Lebrun. We spent a lot of time talking, and walking to the beach. Our relationship was very good, and he was very easy for me to open up to. I believe we began to grow close quickly, and I started to feel more of a person around him. During that time in summer, I remember that I started painting, as I did when I was young. I also learned how to swim that summer. I remember when days passed; I spent more time with Robert. Although I never TOLD him how I felt, the connection was there. I used to get so upset when Leonce came at night, and he was very joyful. I believe he began to see the connection between Robert and I, and as that happened… Robert had left Grand Isle. The summer had ended, and I returned to live in New Orleans, where I resided before the vacation.
Back in New Orleans, I continued to paint. I remember when Leonce became worried about my “disobedience and attitude” and he saw a physician to help our family. Doctor Mandelet was an enlightened man, and he accused my changes to the result of an affair, but he hid his suspicions from Léonce. Instead, he told him to let everything play out, because anything else would cause me to rebel. I stayed home alone, while he would go on his business trips. I eventually got tired of being in this lifestyle, with my husband gone and kids gone as well. I decided that I wanted to be free, and independent. I moved into my own home, and still thought of Robert. I met a man named Alcée Arobin who I ended up having an affair with. I never felt emotionally connect with him, therefore I retained my freedom and continued to be independent. I wanted to pursue being an artist.
At this point, Mademoiselle Reisz adopted me. She warned me of the sacrifices required of an artist. I visited her often, and I was very fond of her. She became like an inspiration to me. She was the only woman I told of my forbidden love for Robert. She encouraged me to admit to my feelings. Later after, it seemed not very long that Robert came to New Orleans, and he told me his feelings. He told me we couldn’t be together because of Leounce, although… he loved me. I tried to inform him that I was an independent woman now and wanted to live happily with him, but he didn’t agree to it.
My friend, Adèle was having a baby and her childbirth was very dangerous therefore I ended up leaving Robert for some time to support my friend, I told him to wait for me. I believe that when I reached her she felt my distance. She reminded me of my kids, and my old lifestyle. Doctor Mandelet had began to urge me to come see him, and just as Adele was, he was worried of my actions. I felt so selfish. When I came home, Robert was gone but had left a note. I became emotional and overwhelemd, and the thoughts of my children, and realizing Robert was not everything I had hoped. I felt so alone, and worthless… I sunk into a depression. I returned to Grand Isle, the summer resort, the site of my awakening. I went out to the sea, for my final escape. I swam through the water, many thoughts racing my head. Eventually exhaustion overtakes my body, and memories overtook me as I fell deep into the sea.
Best answer:
Answer by tinkrox9
its really good
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