20 MORE examples of Fox News biased video editing at www.youtube.com Tell the Senate Judiciary Committee to approve Goodwin Liu at judiciary.senate.gov OVER 100 MORE examples of Fox News Bias at www.youtube.com Dishonest video editing, namecalling, and personal attacks were all tools used by Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” last week to smear the good name of Prof. Goodwin Liu, President Barack Obama’s well qualified nominee to be a judge for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, as I show in this video. The clip of Bill O’Reilly accusing Jon Stewart of taking clips out of context comes from my previous video titled “Fox News Edits Out Jon Stewart Beating Bill O’Reilly?” that you can see at www.youtube.com The image of my “Fox News Bias in its Video Editing” playlist comes from the YouTube playlist page at www.youtube.com The clips I use of Bill O’Reily and Megyn Kelly discussing Prof Goodwin Liu come from a segment on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” broadcast April 1, 2010, a full copy of which is available on Media Matters’ website at mediamatters.org The clips I use of Prof. Goodwin Liu appearing on a 2008 PBS panel discussing the film “Traces of the Trade” comes from video available online at www.archive.org The images I use of Prof, Goodwin Liu’s resume comes from the UC Berkeley Law School webpage at www.law.berkeley.edu And, finally, the image I use of contact information for the Senate Judiciary Committee comes from the webpage at …