Band plans World Tour.of London. Around the world in 80 Minutes!! Its a problem that many independent bands face at the moment; youve got the songs, youve got the fanbase and youve got the drive youre just too skint to hit the road in a giant tour bus on a Led-Zeppelin-esque 50 date world tour! But why let the credit crunch stand in the way of a good idea? This was just the situation that hotly tipped band Motion Picture Soundtrack recently found themselves in. With an album recorded and some gigs in London booked, everything was ticking along fine, but the guys had aspirations of touring all over the world.They thought that if they cant afford to go around the world, they could get the world to come to them. So, with nothing more than a couple of guitars and some excellent vocal talent, on Wednesday 09th November at 12 midday the guys are setting out to realise this dream in the only way they can; with a unique one off busking tour of London locations which share their names with famous world cities! The guys will be flying from: Denmark Street to Paris Gardens Paris Gardens to Sydney Street Sydney Street to Hollywood Road Hollywood Road to Moscow Road Moscow Road to Japan Crescent Japan Crescent to Copenhagan Street Its estimated that the band will cover a distance of 17.3 miles in 61 minutes just a fraction of the time it would take normally (an estimated flight time of 122 hours and a distance of 38382 miles!), and at a fraction of the cost! International fans of the …
Video Rating: 5 / 5

This is my first ever video-blog/TV-channel episode. Independent rapper Peter Parker 513 kicks off his very own TV-channel with street level coverage of the 83rd annual Academy Awards. Non Official.