Question by Clementine Lunden: Good beginnger video camera for a film student?
I plan on majoring in film in college but the only experience I really had was my film design class last year in high school. I want to start directing, producing, editing, etc my own short films, but wasn’t sure which camera would be the best one. (In the class we used a Canon camcorder but now I want a more professional feel)
Really I’d just like to know if, since I’m still in the “beginning” stages, should I stick with a fairly nice camcorder or move onto something more professional like a Panasonic AG.
Any other input would be appreciated as well! (:
Best answer:
Answer by starcraftguy424
Flip video camera. Great quality, easy to use, small, and is only about 100$ . But a more “professional” camera would be a Panasonic AVCCAM AG-HMC40 Camcorder
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!