Question by SeanyWany: HELP! What Just Happened? Please Read.?
I work at a Video Store and today was a day I’ll never forget, I am fairly new to working there(Three-four weeks) So this customer walks in, a big fat black lady who looks like a guy, she comes to my counter and converses with a fellow co-worker I’m asking her questions to quicken up the process, and she ignores me, I ask again and she she say’s “Jesus What!” I say, “Ma’am are you NAME”, “No I’m NAME!!!” she’s rude, and then she says to my other co-worker “Fire this guy he’s too Efficient! Ahh Fire him now!” my co-worker laughed with her. At that moment I have never felt so much rage inmy life I felt like Robert Deniro in Taxi Driver I thought DIE ***** DIE!!!!! I blurted out Fuc… then I stopped but she didn’t hear me. I got home and just started punching walls and yelling, now I have scarred bloody swollen fists. I’m scared… not to see her again, but cause of what I might do. Which May result in me being fired and I am a Aspiring Filmmaker so I love my job. HELP!!!Ima nice guy and today I found out I take things personal. But that Pissed me off. Thanks For Reading, Your Answers are well appreciated.
Thanks You Guys I am now going to Start Jujitsu and Karate to help with Discipline.
And Cutekidd97 Trust Me I was Nice to her the Whole way through. Lol. Thanks For Replying Guys.
Best answer:
Answer by Rockafella47
dude… thats baddass :O
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