Question by Chanel: Help with creating a song?
I have an assignment to create a music video for my TV production class. I wanna make up a song that has to do with saving the earth and ways to go green. Does anyone have any ideas for song lyrics.
I’m going to use the Hot-n-cold instrumental and add in the lyrics.
For any one who helps, you’ll get a place in the credits (which BTW may be entered in a film contest if my teacher likes it enough). Ima make a music video to go with it.
I need all the help I can get.
Best answer:
Answer by backtothepast
This world is not ours to do with as we please
We have borrowed it from our children and theirs
We are meant to use it well..It’s told to us in the sea breeze
Let’s not destroy it and leave our kids in tears.
Global warming. the raping of the lands
Driving gas guzzling land ships
Poluting all the air its all in our hands
We are the rapists the poluters on our savage ego trips.
The earth can be green or burned to a crisp
The time is running out we are spoiling all that’s good
Greed and power lust
Its time to make a change before this place looks strange
Save it, save it save it save it fo our kids.
Give them what they deserve
a clean green earth to live in when they come.
The ones who have not yet been born.Save it save it save it save it save it please for them.
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