Question by Girl you dont know: Help With Short Film Ideas?
I’m in a Film making class and we are suppose to make a short film that has a story to it. It can be about anything and it doesn’t even have to be personal. As long as it over a minute and under 3 it will do 🙂 Any ideas? I’m stumped ….
Best answer:
Answer by MidJ
I think it would be very interesting to have someone find an object and conjure up either memories or a story from it, and in the end keeping it with them, leaving it there, destroying it, or giving it away. Obviously this sounds like a very boring idea, but you definitely embellish on it. For example, you may find an old doll in the attic, and when you touch it remember the terrible things it did to the children that neglected it, and in the end smash it to pieces. Something simple, yet still intriguing and theatrical, bringing in a lot of curiosity and emotion into the short film as well. Hope I helped a bit! 🙂
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