Question by Jason B: How can I improve my work ethic with my filmmaking?
I’m a film student and make short films but my movies are getting worse and Im not improving as a filmmaker and Im getting worse… I got lazy and my pre-production on my last movie was horrible and the actors didn’t know there lines and my shots weren’t planned out and the movie was a train wreck… How can I be a better Filmmaker?
Best answer:
Answer by whataboringid
Hi Jason B.
I’m not film maker, but I imagine that film direction is just like any other management-type role, when you’re in a position with a lot of responsibility.
As a filmmaker, I can’t really advise, other than the more you focus on your films getting worse, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You know by the work you’ve done in the past, what you HAVE done, and I guess only your imagination can limit what you CAN do in the future.
I would probably advise to stop focusing on the problem or you will attract others focused on the problem (e.g: the actors that don’t learn their lines) etc.
To be able to place yourself on the ‘good / bad filmmaker’ scale, you must have an idea of what makes a great one.
As a coach, I would advise you to ask yourself ‘what person do I need to become to become who I want to be?’ (Sounds weird I know), but in my experience it works.
Once you have done that, you can set yourself goals regarding your situation, e.g: in the next shoot, I’m going to be more organised and hire the actors that are going to learn their lines and do their job properly.
Hope this helps, let me know how it turns out.
Good luck :D.
ID: whataboringid.
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