Question by zorgon35: How can I leave my New England home to go to school in California?
I’m 24, and a male who hasn’t found his place in the world. I want to become independent, but lately I’ve been unmotivated to do much aside from personal projects im obsessed with. I attended a community college in Boston but withdrew mostly because I felt personally unsatisfied with it. I’ve thought of applying to the more prestigious schools in the area, but that’s not really a priority for me–though I hope to look at myself with big smile in the future–and I feel that I need to leave familiar faces behind to see how I do on my own in a different setting (perferably in the country). Ever since I heard that parts of California were like an inspiriational fountain of creativity, and that the Academy of Art Uni. in San Fran. was a good school, I’ve imagined myself living there, as a student. But I’ve never taken such a step b4. What would it take to make that step? Get a mundane job, save up money, fly to Cali? Advice, understanding, wisdom, and details will turn you into my hero. Ty
Best answer:
Answer by notyou311
At 24, it is time to stop being a student and get a real job. You can work and go to school at the same time. You sound immature.
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