Question by footyfan: How can I start getting into filmmaking?
For as long as I remember I have maintained that when I am older I shall pursue whatever makes me happy regardless of wealth and outside opinion. Sure, these may be the naive dreams of every teenager but for the time being I believe in them. Nevertheless, quite what I want to do is still a mystery to me.
One of my passions is film. I am obsessed with it. Another love of mine is writing. In an ideal scenario I would like to make films written by myself, we’re talking character studies or independent stuff, not big mainstream blockbusters which I would be hopeless at. Anyway, my question is how should I go about realising this? I know very little about cameras and the technical stuff.
I also love acting but being behind the camera seems more possible as you are the one in control of your own fate, not the casting agents. Would that be accurate?
I am 16 and live in dublin.
Best answer:
Answer by Bill Brasky!!!
Take some drama classes in school….no better way to learn the basics of acting for free!
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