Question by Ryan: How can you make an independent film production go smooth?
I am the director, lead actor, producer, and overall, film maker of a new production called, ”Broken”! The cast and I are excited! But I noticed it wont be easy, the scripts done and how much of crew do we need for everything to go smoothly? Who do we need and what’s their job? PLEASE help! ;D
Best answer:
Answer by flipbook35
here we go again, another one.
NOT EVERYONE or ANYONE can just wake up and make a movie.
How about you just use your 200 dollar video camera and make your movie in you back yard with your friends.
NEXT look on the IMDB or ANY MOVIE you might own and look at he credits. ALL THOSE people are there because THAT’S what it take to make a REAL MOVIE. Every job is there for a REASON. The less you have the less smoothly it will be.
sorry to rant but its the truth.
Real film making is NOT A HOBBY, it a BUSINESS.
If anything do a search of FILM MAKING books and actually learn what it takes to make a movie.
It is a business. Mr “I was born but” said it best ‘I’m not in the biz. Well that shows. Every one thinks they can make a movie with their home video camera and a mac and that’s fine for you and your friends and you can put it in parts up on the web, but to actually get a movie IN THEATERS or at least cable or DVD it’s like winning the lottery.
Everyone thinks they can make the next “Blair Witch” and it’s, AGAIN, not that easy. When was the last no budget great movie that was out and popular since the ‘Blair witch”? Easy, there really hasn’t been , those guys got lucky= they won “movie lottery” There are THOUSANDS of movies made every year, some with real budgets ( 1mill or more) all they way up to Millions that NEVER get seen or if lucky go to DVD etc.
And no I’m not a producer but work in camera for over 20 years and I’m sure all that guys friends that made GREAT movies play nightly in their parents living room and on you-tube while movies-crap or not PLAY IN THEATERS and not just the local ‘art house’ Also as someone who has worked in an ‘art house’ most of that is pretentious crap also under the guise of being ‘art’
‘art’ in cinema usually doesn’t pay the bills-the crap does.
He is correct on ONE thing. LEARN about film making and HOW to do it BUT don’t think by making a 90 min. movie on your video camera with your friends is going to get you to the big time. THAT would be like winning the lottery. And yes with OVER 20 years starting on projects JUST LIKE YOURS they have NEVER seen the light of day. Now all the ‘crap’ I have done has made it to the local theater. By making your own film what you will do is LEARN that it takes a lot more than you think to make a good film and have it LOOK good.
good luck and don’t give up the dream
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