Question by Joe Shmo: How could I get sponsors or donations for my film making.?
I havn’t used my video camera lately because I’ve been interested in animation. My brand spankin new digital camcorder dosn’t work now. My 5th grade teacher has a school running club and has so many major companies sponsoring him like Triatholon, and Something USA. lol How could he get so many sponsors. I don’t make too much money, considering I’m a kid.
Heres one of my cartoons I really do want to make movies. I don’t care if I become rich as long as my films are heard of.
Best answer:
Answer by The Real Deal
That’s a hilarious video. Keep it up, kid. As far as getting money, be careful because there are a lot of people you will take advantage of you. But just keep your dream alive and keep trying. YouTube is a great start because people will get to see your films there.
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