Question by Bleh126: How do i become an actor or Film producer or director?
ok so im 17 play sports and in honor classes but every since i was a little kid i always liked movies and wanted to know more about movies and when they would come out and i loved to watch the behind the scenes thinking about some stuff i want to do in my life and 1 of my options is acting/directing/producer but i know theres thousands and thousands of people trying to become actors and dicrectors and producers.and i read some stuff and watched this series called faces and it talked about with casting they look for faces that stand out from the others………recently ive been looking up interviews with actors and film industry people and googleing them to get more info and see how they started out . so if u have any information about acting/directing/or being a producer let me know (i.e where to start, ur experiences in this field,what to do,who to go to,basicly anything usefull)
Best answer:
Answer by Lily D
well first step is that you don’t get advice from yahoo answers.
i’m guessing that steven spielburg doesn’t answer questions on yahoo answers. it’d be a waste to go to school for acting or performing arts really.. especially if you have actually good credentials.
good luck buttercup.
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