by Chris Devers
Question by deevee: How do I record and edit film clips for a class I am teaching?
I have Movie Maker on a new machine with lots of power and space. I understand that to import clips from a commercial DVD I need some software. What software is best and how exactly do I do it? Is there something better than Movie Maker for burning the DVDs? If I want to take clips from a VHS tape, what do I need?
Best answer:
Answer by greg_cristal
To import video from VHS you are going to need a piece of hardware called “Dazzle” this will come with a cable that will allow you to plug a VCR into your machine. It takes a little trial and error to get it working.
To import clips from a commercial DVD i recommend using the tools available on – particularly Gordian Knot is an excellent package to try.
To put the clips together and burn to DVD you just need a copy of Nero or Roxio with come with DVD burning software as standard now.
I do warn you that this will take a little patience a little practice and a little luck but once you’ve assembled your third dvd you’ll have mastered this art!
Hope this info helps. Give us a shout if you need more
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