Question by anuday: How do I start and operate a film / movie production & distribution company?
I already know about incorporating, but then what do I need to do? What lists/resources are common in the industry? Where do I find killer screenplays?
Also can a film / movie production company also be a distribution company or will I have to incorporate two different companies, one for each?
Best answer:
Answer by mack
There’s a good basic book out called “Producing, Financing and Distributing Film” by Paul Baumgarten, Donald Farber and Mark Fleischer, that should answer your question. You might also want to read “What a Producer Does” by Buck Houghton.
It also helps if you are insanely wealthy and/or just insane. Your chances for success will also increase if you know how to speak out of both sides of your mouth at the same time and never fail to underestimate the intelligence of your potential audience.
On the plus side: Things in the business are changing. Maybe you can make them change for the better.
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