Question by Hollywood Vegas: How do you copyright or patent the name of your own film production company?
For instance, I know someone can’t just open a film production company called Paramount or Universal Studios but if you start your own film production company and have a creative name for it, what actions do you need to do in order to make sure you have that right to that name?
Best answer:
Answer by bjdzyak
Step one is to secure the services of a Trademark Attorney who specializes in copyright, trademark, and incorporation. When it comes to legal issues, don’t rely on any “free” advice given by strangers on the internet, even mine.
That said, before you get too far, you can easily do an internet search to find out if the name you want has already been taken. Then you want to know if you are allowed to register it and have a tax ID assigned to it. If you have a logo, that may or may not be copyrighted in connection with the company you are setting up, so again, check with the the legal expert you put on retainer.
The key is to have documentation of some kind that establishes that you “own” the right to use a specific company name and a qualified lawyer will know exactly how to do that for you.
And read the site linked to below…
Brian Dzyak
Los Angeles, California
IATSE Local 600, SOC
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