Question by lulz_and_chips: How do you make a stop motion video with a VHS camcorder?
I need to make one for a film class.
I know it’s extremely difficult. And I also know the results probably won’t be great (it’s a high school class, the teacher isn’t really expecting much.) I just really want to know how to do it.
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Procrastinator (YEE-HAW! =D)
…Due to the nature of the VHS cameras, they are not ideally designed for stop motion video… It will require a lot of precise editing which is very time consuming and fiddly on VHS decks, because the heads of the recorder is inaccurate which will cause rollback – recorder of the last half second or second of what you just filmed.
In short, just dont bother. Try using a digital camera then aligning the shots together.
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