Question by razzledazzleem: How does a 23 year old make a man of himself after 6 years in college?
I’ll cut to the chase – I’m 23 years old. I live at home. I worked for 4 years but then gave up cuz I hated my internship with Social Security. I’m mooching off my parents. They pay for car. They pay for gas. They pay for health insurance that I get through SSA’s version of Cobra. I used to be SO self-sufficient and never asked for money, but now I’m broke and can’t even afford to have a drink at a bar.
I’ve realized that my 4 year BS degree in Lib Arts will be useless, although I have a 2-year in Info. Systems from a reputable comm. college. I’ve studied film production for a year, but know that’s SOOO hard to break into even if you’re the best in your county. I used to have dreams of Hollywood and N.Y. but reality has set in. Time to move out and stop being a baby. Most kids I went to HS with are 2 years into their careers of working (for the man, I should say).
Most girls don’t want to know me after a while cuz they can’t respect a non-worker. Most male friends (even heroin addicts who work to support their habit) are disgusted by me that I don’t work. In my defense, I am somewhat bright and would kill myself if I have to go pick up peanuts at Camden Yards. Getting a Bachelor’s in Lib Arts was a 5 year waste of time. I have no skills other than fixing computers. I am as low as one could possibly be, recently begging my mother to go to a concert with me of a group that we had gone to when I was 14. Nine years later and I’m just a child with a bigger brain.
What do I do? Where do I start? I’ve heard learning skills is good…dedicating some time to immersing yourself in books at the library or an apprenticeship to become good at SOMETHING – something people need. I’ve heard others who say just do what you love- your passion…for me that’s filmmaking, but I also love girls, and if I can’t find a place or get money thru my passion of making videos, then it’ll have to go on the backburner until I settle into a steady stream of income…
Which leads me to starting a business- any advice of you guys that have made it? Do I join a startup? What does a guy like me start…I haven’t even ever taken a business course. Do I buy a strip club with a loan from the bank, I’m pretty good at visiting those when I had money…Do I do some online, Ebay thing that everyone’s doing these days. Is being your own boss the only way to make it in life in this economy? Who can help me out? How do I become a man? I’m already 2 years behind….
I would, but only if she’s mad hot 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Mac S
Get someone pregnant. That’ll wake you up.
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