Question by iswdesign: How does one get funding for a short film?
I am interested in putting together a short film but wonder where in the world I can get funding for my short. Producers must know something that I don’t since their job requires them to find the money.
Best answer:
Answer by Ben
there are many many ways to get money for your short film:
1. the first thing to do is reach into your pocket. if you want people to help you out
you need to show them you believe in your movie
2. go to your mom and dad. not joking dude. anything you get is good.
3. check the web for funds. there is a lot of funds from the government depending what the topic of the movie is.
4. endorsement. ask car dealership for a car to shoot in, for ex., and you will give them credit at the end of it.
5. you can put stuff in the movie for money. for ex. close up of a zippo lighter for money from zippo.
6. you can sell tickets before you make the movie to all your family and friends.
7. you can sell shares in your ” company” which will produce the movie and maybe sell it later making money for the share holders.
8. lower yourexpensee. ask people to work for free. loan cars from friends to pick up the crew etc.that’ss about it… im sure there is more ways you just have to beCreativee
good luck
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