Question by Grrr.: How is Math Used In Film Editing?
i want to know how math is used in film editing for my big assignment.
please help, and details details details!
all i know is that Math is used in the film editing world by how long the movie is, which perfect angles should be used to capture a scene, audio synching, budgeting, color and tone correction, directorial timing, and the film speed
Best answer:
Answer by mellanbyrat
time code, you need to count the hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.
23:59:59:24 is the max time code for film.
23 hours : 59 minutes : 59 seconds : 24 frames
now if you need to edit a scene from 01:24:38:24 to 01:26:24:15
how long will the scene be?
2mins : 14 seconds : 9 frames
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