Question by : How long will it take me to do all of these courses for college?
I’m interested in game design, film production and audio production. How long would it take me to get a degree in each?
Yup, I have a plan B. Just go into audio.
Best answer:
Answer by Reice Piece skittle
5 year and more.
If only one major, then 4 to 5 yrs.
But this is more than one major you want. So 5 years more.
I’m have a major that requires dabbling in two instruments, and one of them is by force because of degree level.
And, since the major i have isn’t looking so good within my grades, I already have a plan B. I’m taking outside performing lessons in an Instrument. ( not from the school ) .
Because you always want a plan B is anyone of those subjects begin to fail you.
I am learning this right now ….
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