by uniondocs
Question by CrzyCatDC: How many grad schools should one apply to?
I’m going into my fourth year of college and preparing to apply to grad school. I wanted to know how many schools people typically apply to. I applied to 12 schools for undergrad and got into all of them (I really didn’t know how to narrow it down because I didn’t know what i wanted in a school and I went to a school where most people applied to 13-16). I applied to 3 schools when I decided to transfer and got into 2 of them.
I have a list of 6 schools now, 3 really competitive ones, 2 competitive, but not strong in the program I want, and 1 pure safety that has a good program and internship program, but not a good rep in my field– journalism/documentary production.
also, do you need to separate them like with undergrad into top, maybe, and safeties?
Perry, at least how many? You didn’t put a number.
Best answer:
Answer by jetaimebeaucoup18
I only applied to one undergrad school. And got in. And applied to one Grad School and Got in.. But that wasn’t really wise. You should apply to as many as you want i suppose. It is good to have back ups.
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