Question by Sam Z: How meaningful is this quote?
This is from the Documentary “9/11” and this quote is said by Robert DeNiro … anyone get the chills when reading this?
“Firemen live to help others live, it’s that simple. Everyday they wait for the call, everyday that passes without that alarm is a blessing and a burden. They know it’s only a matter of time until they have to put their lives on the line. So they wait, and they wonder. For the men of Engine 7, Ladder 1, the waiting and wondering had lasted all summer. By early September, the filmmakers have captured so much about life around the firehouse, except for one thing, a big fire. There’s a supersition among firemen, when you go too long without any fire, be prepared, something big is coming. What you’re about to see is how brave men work under stress surrounded by chaos. They trained all their lives for this moment, but nothing could have prepared them for what was about to happen …”
people say to me that this quote doesn’t mean alot to them .. but i think it does!
Best answer:
Answer by spudzey
It’s very meaningful.
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