Question by Jennifer S: How much did Tina Fey make as Mean Girls screenwriter?
Usually how are screenwriters paid?
And, do Evanston High School really exist? What does “Evanston” mean originally? Why did she choose Evanston to be where Mean Girls take place?
THX a lot! (^-^)
N why did they choose East High for High School Musical?
can u gimme other examples of what names Disney is likely to use? besides east/west?
Best answer:
Answer by comander_bonbon
I don’t think Tina Fey chose Evanston because Mean Girls is based on a book. Mean Girls is set in Chicago aswell and there is a Evanston Township High School near chicago. There is no way to tell how much Tina Fey got becasue they don’t release information like that usually, but I’m guessing 50,000-75,000, but I’m really not sure.
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