filmmakers. We have a desire to stay true to our art. A desire to make a product that’s worthy of the silver screen. I’m going to be honest with all of you, something that most other folks will never be. 90% of you aren’t going to make it making main stream films. I’m being grateful with that percentage. How messed up am I publishing an article that tells you that you’re going to fail?
I’ll tell you how messed up I am. I’m the guy that’s going to help you make a couple bucks on your way to your dream.
First off. Never stop shooting. Film everyday. I don’t care if you just turn on the built in camera on your laptop or breaking out your DVX100. Just shoot. Film everything that goes on around you. Learn the settings of your camera. White balance setting changes can make for a scene you’d never imagine.
PUBLISH, PUBLISH, PUBLISH. They used to say in the