Question by Scott G: How to get a job in sound production/composition in film?
This career choice sounds most perfect for me. I was wondering how I go about starting it? What schooling do I need? What credentials should I have under my belt? Good companies to work for? What to expect of the job in general?
Thank you in advance
Best answer:
Answer by dianemeriwether
Film production is first about networking and secondly about talent. If you have the talent, the grades and the means – go to USC film school. Not only will you be trained well, but among the instructors and fellow students you will be meeting potential co-workers and employers.
If you have more talent than grades or money, focus on the networking aspect. Get a good educational background in music, at the very least become a competent pianist, and then move close to Southern California. Find out where film/tv composers are working – start making a list from film credits and imdb of composers and then google them. Many of these composers teach classes at colleges or universities. Take these classes and get to know the instructor. You might also email them and ask what they did to get started.
Ask everyone you get to know if they know anyone in film production. It will surprise you how connected people can be – this person has a son in law who is a grip, that person knows someone from college who is working as a set designer – try to meet and talk with these people, and get them to give you the names of people closer to sound editing.
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