Question by That British Teen: How to make your way to a film producer?
I am confused
I know as sson as you leave university you can’t become a producer just like that
But what careers do you get and how to you get about getting them
Best answer:
Answer by blackjackg
There are probably more ways to become a film producer than any other job in the film industry. Basically, all you have to do is get a foot in the door at a studio. Lots of ways to do that: become a successful actor, writer, director, etc., get a job in the mail-room and work your way up, be the studio chief’s cousin and get a vice-presidency, or just be exceptionally rich.
Once you’re “in,” find a project you’re passionate about and present it to the studio big-wigs and convince them to give you some money. Presto, you’re a producer. Alternatively, if you’re in the company already (the aforementioned mail-room or cousin scenarios), it’s possible the studio would come to you and say “We have this project and this budget and we’d like you to take over.”
Basically, becoming a producer is a combination of luck, persistence and skill. Good luck.
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